About us
We are a group of friends who met either when sitting in home spiritual development circles or through attending the East Grinstead Spiritual Church. Our aim is to organise different events such as clairvoyant demonstration evenings, trance mediumship demonstrations where there is the chance to interact with spirit through 'question & answer' sessions within the demonstration, making for a fascinating evening. We also organise 'Psychic Suppers' where we pair up mediums with a table of up to six people for the evening, usually there are up to six tables available, we encourage each table of six to bring plates of food to share with each other throughout the evening. These evenings are very successful, with some of them organised to raise funds for a chosen charity.
Twice a year we organise a psychic fayre - we call them a 'Festival of Light' day, the 'light' referring to Spiritual Light. We have mediums to give 'one to one' readings, various forms of healing are available to try such as Reiki, Spiritual healing, crystal healing. Also on offer at past events was Vedic Astronomy, Aura Photography, Spirit Art and stalls selling crystals, jewellery, holistic body creams Etc, There is tea, coffee and cake available throughout the day, we have some friends who make exceedingly good cake ! * ( The above was pre 'Covid' of course, but hopefully in the future we will be able to hold these events once more)
You can follow us on our face book page to see our coming events as well as on the events page of this web site, just look for Spiritual Awakening and 'like' the page. We hope to see you at one of our events soon, you will be most welcome.
All our events take place at East Court, East Grinstead. We are able to use any one of three halls available, depending on the event being put on.

Part of the Memorial Garden at East Court
The Main House at East Court
The Garden is by the main house
The rear of the main house

Meridian Hall East Court
The terrace behind East Court House
One of our 'psychic suppers'

East Court Main Entrance
The Council offices are on the first floor.

Carol service time
Getting ready for our Carol Service in 'The Old Court House' East Court
Beautiful views over Ashplatts wood